Interview:SJ|Senior Director / Technical Instructor

I originally came to Japan to study music and design more deeply. However, one day I witnessed a dramatic turnaround in the support rate during the South Korean presidential election due to the power of dissemination by the youth. This cultural shock from the internet world led me to start a part-time job as a translator at a systems company, which was completely unrelated to my previous studies.

Every day was a struggle, hearing unfamiliar system terminology and not understanding a word, feeling nauseous. But before I knew it, I found myself leading a development project for a hospital reservation system, handling server replacements at IDC, and dealing with monitoring alerts and warnings on a daily basis.

As I learned more about systems and networks, I began to be curious about the end users and how to provide better services. I realized the importance of research and marketing to understand the characteristics of the target user base.

No matter how excellent a product is, if it is not what is needed at the right time, it will not meet the demands of the era. I understood that the added value of our products and services and the target audience for customer acquisition cannot be achieved by sales efforts alone.

To avoid business failures by escaping the trap of “fast marketing,” I developed planning skills and the ability to build platforms. This allowed me to practice marketing management by utilizing all kinds of information.

As part of Mori Trust’s renovation projects, I initiated the Indoor Golf Academy project. I served as the product promotion and digital marketing director for LG Electronics Japan, overseeing the integration of office passes from Nikkei Inc. with LG products for monitoring purposes. I have accumulated extensive experience as a global marketing director, including project management for coworking spaces and rental office developments.

Currently, I am involved in inbound marketing for Mitsui Fudosan Realty. I am tackling the challenge of optimizing approaches for both B2B and B2C, constantly planning and marketing with foresight from the client’s perspective, and practicing the spirit of “ONAIR”.

I organize collaborative events with various world and Japanese artists, fostering global interactions across Asia and Europe. In 2020, I participated in a charity event involving 96 representative streamers from 30 countries and regions (including 6 Japanese representatives) with simultaneous worldwide streaming, donating all proceeds to COVID-19 relief efforts.

As an official streamer and regular on official channels for global live channels, I engage in streaming activities with perfect pitch freestyle, host numerous global programs, and stream live global music events.

With a user base said to be 400 million, I won second place in the 2022 Japan Music Awards for BIGO LIVE. As a top million streamer, I had 1,174 concurrent viewers for regular programs and set a record with 19,000 viewers for a regular appearance on the Global Music Live House. I am pioneering the OnAir work style of “Creating Tomorrow’s Excitement”.



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